The RIDE Policies

To learn more about The RIDE's mask policy and other COVID-19 safety measures, please visit the COVID-19 policies page.
Traveling with Guests
Let The RIDE know if you’ll be traveling with anyone else, including a service animal, when you book your trip. Guests must travel with you, to and from the same destination.
Keep in mind that your guests’ fares will be deducted from your RIDE account when you board.
You can always bring a PCA with you on your trip. There’s no charge for PCAs on The RIDE.
- You are guaranteed space for one guest other than a PCA, and you may have additional guests ride with you if space is available. RIDE fares apply per person.
- Children must ride in a customer-provided car seat that is appropriate for their age and weight. School transportation is not provided for children in grades K-12.
Traveling with Service Animals
Only service animals, as defined by the ADA, will be transported.
Service Animals are to be under the control of the handler at all times. This can occur using a harness, leash, or other tether. If the handler is unable to hold a tether because of a disability or its use would interfere with the service animal’s safe, effective performance of work or tasks, the service animal must be under the handler’s control by some other means, such as voice control.
Service Animals are not allowed to ride on a seat or in a carrier.
Other animals—including pets, comfort animals or therapy animals—are not allowed. Transportation will not be provided to those who do not follow this policy at the time of pick-up
Rider Etiquette
Please remember that The RIDE is a shared space, and respect your fellow passengers, drivers, and transportation equipment. Follow these rider rules:
- Wear a seatbelt—this applies to all riders, including wheelchair and scooter users.
- Use headphones with personal audio devices.
- Note that personal hygiene and perfumes can be objectionable to other passengers or cause allergic reactions.
- Ask the driver to adjust the radio, including turning it on/off, changing the station, and turning the volume up or down.
- Stand while the vehicle is moving.
- Eat or drink, unless you need to for medical or dietary reasons. Let the driver know if this is the case.
- Have loud conversations on your cellphone.
- Expect drivers to carry multiple packages in more than one trip.
- Smoke, including e-cigarettes.
- Tip your driver or give other gratuities.
Inappropriate or illegal behavior will not be tolerated, and may result in service suspension, police investigation, or other consequences.
Personal Items
Please limit bulky, heavy items whenever possible. Your driver must be able to carry them in one trip while safely assisting you.
Transportation will not be provided to customers who do not follow this policy at the time of pick-up.
Late Cancellation/No-Show Policy
Late cancellation
Any trip canceled less than one hour before the scheduled pick-up time is a late cancellation violation. Changing the time of your trip is not considered a late cancellation, but please provide advance notice of changes to minimize disruptions in service.
If you are not at the pick-up location within five minutes of the driver’s arrival and the driver is unable to contact you, it is a no-show violation.
If you are delayed, call TRAC as soon as possible at 844-427-7433 to request a new pick-up time. This will result in a charge at the premium non-ADA fare rate. TRAC will do its best to incorporate your modified trip request into the day’s schedule.
You may be issued a violation for excessive late cancellations or no-shows if you book eight or more trips in a month and cancel late or do not show for at least 20% of them.
You won’t be penalized for no-shows or cancellations that happen for reasons beyond your control. This includes, but is not limited to, trips missed due to operator error.
If you violate this policy, The RIDE will send you a written notice that includes a list of every late cancellation or no-show trip. After repeat violations, the notice may also include suspension start and end dates.
The consequences for violations in the same 12-month rolling period are:
- One time: Written warning
- Two times: One-week suspension
- Three times: Two-week suspension
- Four or more times: Four-week suspension
If you are suspended after two violations, any future scheduled trips will be canceled, including subscription service trips.
Visit our support page to learn how to appeal a warning or suspension.
Keeping Rider Information Up to Date
Riders’ personal information must be kept up to date. There are several ways to update information for The RIDE depending on the type of change needed:
Contact The RIDE Access Center (TRAC) at 844-427-7433 with changes to your information, including phone numbers, addresses, email, and emergency contacts.
Contact the Mobility Center at 617-337-2727 or via email at for changes in mobility status, such as changing from using a walker to using a wheelchair, or if you’ve gotten a service animal.
Contact the MBTA at 617-222-3200 if you are a family member of a RIDE customer who has died. We will help you to deactivate the deceased customer's RIDE account.
ADA Compliance
The RIDE is a public transportation service. The MBTA may change or update policies and still be ADA-compliant. Visit the ADA’s website or call 888-446-4511 (voice) or 800-877-8339 (TTY) for more information.
The RIDE Guide
Download a PDF version of the important information that explains how to get started with The RIDE.
The RIDE Guide
Download a PDF version of the important information that explains how to get started with The RIDE.