Green Line Work Trains

Work trains are specialized vehicles that move materials, equipment, and a small number of personnel to and from job sites on the right of way (ROW). These vehicles are necessary for safely and efficiently performing track and power repairs across the system.
All subway lines have their own work trains. For example, Green Line work trains run on catenary (overhead wire) power. Different types of work trains have different capabilities.
- Flat cars can be attached to work trains to hold additional equipment and materials.
- Crane cars have a crane installed that can lift, place, and transport rail sections, ties, and signal equipment.
- Wire cars are used exclusively to maintain and repair overhead catenary wire.
FTA Safety Management Inspection Response
FTA Special Directive 22-04
During their Safety Management Inspection (SMI), the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) issued Special Directive (SD) 22-04 and found that the MBTA did not have a serviceable Green Line work train for more than 8 months.
Corrective Action Plan (CAP)
In response to SD 22-04 finding 9, the MBTA developed and completed the following CAP to restore Green Line work trains. The restored work trains are at the end of their service life, and new vehicles have been procured.
CAP | Status | ||
CAP | SD 22-04 CAP 9 restored Green Line work trains to working order. | Status | Complete Read the FTA’s closure letter (March 3, 2023) |