Policies, Procedures, and Training

In public transit, it is important for personnel to follow the latest safety policies to prevent accidents and issues. The MBTA is completing the following work to make sure that its operations and maintenance rules, procedures, and training are most effective for personnel.
Improvement Areas
Right of way (ROW) rules assessment
We are establishing a working group of frontline personnel who will regularly assess workplace rules and provide feedback on how to create a safer work environment at the T.
Training, mentorship, and apprenticeship
To set our team up for success, we are standardizing training for personnel across the T. We are also expanding mentorship and apprenticeship for frontline roles.
Quality Management Plan
We are developing a formal plan that lays out the principles, standards, and processes for Quality Management at the T.
ROW radio signal improvement
To support communication on the ROW, we are enhancing the radio signal strength on and near the tracks.
FTA Safety Management Inspection Response
FTA Special Directive 22-12
During their Safety Management Inspection (SMI), the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) issued Special Directive (SD) 22-12 and found that the MBTA must improve:
- Management of its operating and maintenance policies
- Monitoring of rail transit operations
- Quality Control (QC) processes that enable personnel to complete work with quality checks in place
- Quality Assurance (QA) oversight and testing of work done across the T
- Training and procedures related to rail transit system management, operations, and maintenance programs
Corrective Action Plans (CAPs)

The MBTA developed CAPs to address SD 22-12 findings. CAPs are made up of action items at different stages of progress:
- Not yet submitted: The action item has not been completed.
- Under FTA review: The MBTA completed the action item and submitted documentation to the FTA. The FTA is reviewing the MBTA's submission.
- Resubmissions in progress: The MBTA completed the action item and submitted documentation to the FTA. The FTA requested additional information from the MBTA.
- Submissions accepted by the FTA: The MBTA completed the action item and submitted documentation to the FTA. The FTA accepted the MBTA’s submission.
On September 26, 2023, the FTA approved the MBTA's:
- Revisions to SD 22-12 CAPs 1 and 2, now combined into SD 23-12 CAP 1R
- Proposal to rewrite SD 22-12 CAP 3, which was submitted to the FTA by November 9, 2023, as required.
On December 11, 2023, the FTA responded to the SD 22-12 CAP 3 revision. They approved 14 action item revisions, conditionally approved 2 action item revisions, rejected 7 action item revisions, and requested clarification on 11 action item revisions.
A comprehensive list of which action item revisions were approved, rejected, or require further revision was made available along with the letter.
A revised SD 22-12 CAP 3 must be sent to the FTA by December 22, 2023.
On January 12, 2024 the FTA accepted the revised SD 22-12 CAP 3.
CAP | Status | ||
| Status | In progress |
CAP | SD 22-12 CAP 3 develops and administers a QA/QC program that is sufficiently independent from the activities it oversees. | Status | In progress |
CAP | SD 22-12 CAP 4 develops and implements a training program and needs assessment for rail transit operations and maintenance departments. | Status | In progress |
CAP | SD 22-12 CAP 5 engages frontline maintenance personnel in the evaluation of tools and checklists that support compliance with maintenance rules and procedures. | Status | In progress |
CAP | SD 22-12 CAP 6 evaluates the expansion of existing mentoring programs for bus and transit operators, including resources to support the professional development of rail transit operations personnel. | Status | Complete |
CAP | SD 22-12 CAP 7 improves radio quality and performance through the elimination or reduction of radio dead spots. | Status | Complete Read the FTA's closure letter (November 19, 2024) |