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  • Escalator Closure
    Andrew Escalator 123 (Ashmont/Braintree platform to busway) unavailable due to maintenance
  • Escalator Closure
    Aquarium Escalator 405 (Unpaid lobby to Atlantic Avenue) unavailable due to maintenance
  • Escalator Closure
    Assembly Escalator 442 (Foley Street to unpaid lobby) is unavailable due to maintenance and is expected to return to service later this month.
  • Escalator Closure
    Courthouse Escalator 415 (Airport/Design Center platform to lobby) unavailable due to ongoing construction at the station.
  • Escalator Closure
    Courthouse Escalator 417 (Airport/Design Center platform to south lobby) unavailable due to ongoing construction at the station.
  • Escalator Closure
    Fields Corner Escalator 427 (Paid lobby to Alewife platform) unavailable due to maintenance
  • Escalator Closure
    North Station Escalator 393 (Oak Grove platform to Causeway Street lobby) unavailable due to maintenance
  • Escalator Closure
    Oak Grove Escalator 103 (Orange Line platform to paid lobby) unavailable due to maintenance
  • Escalator Closure
    Porter Escalator 511 (Ashmont/Braintree platform to paid lobby) is unavailable for maintenance.
  • Escalator Closure
    Porter Escalator 510 (Ashmont/Braintree platform to paid lobby) unavailable.
  • Escalator Closure
    Prudential Escalator 151 (Lobby to Prudential Center) unavailable due to maintenance
  • Escalator Closure
    Ruggles Escalator 136 (Orange Line platform to upper lobby) unavailable due to maintenance
  • Escalator Closure
    State Escalator 6 (Oak Grove platform to Old State House lobby) unavailable until further notice.
  • Escalator Closure
    Sullivan Square Escalator 308 (Oak Grove platform to paid lobby) unavailable due to maintenance
  • Escalator Closure
    World Trade Center Escalator 401 (World Trade Center Avenue mezzanine to street) unavailable due to maintenance

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