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    Haverhill Line Train 286 (9:48 am from Reading) is operating 5-15 minutes late between Greenwood and North Station.

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Bicycles Allowed? bike
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Bicycles allowed
Bicycles not allowed
Bicycles allowed
Bicycles allowed
Bicycles not allowed
Bicycles allowed
Parking available accessible
    5:12 AM   Does not stop at Haverhill Does not stop at Haverhill     5:57 AM   Does not stop at Haverhill     7:10 AM   Does not stop at Haverhill Does not stop at Haverhill     8:12 AM   Does not stop at Haverhill Does not stop at Haverhill     9:42 AM   Does not stop at Haverhill Does not stop at Haverhill     11:12 AM   Does not stop at Haverhill Does not stop at Haverhill     12:42 PM   Does not stop at Haverhill Does not stop at Haverhill     2:12 PM   Does not stop at Haverhill Does not stop at Haverhill     3:47 PM   Does not stop at Haverhill Does not stop at Haverhill     5:20 PM   Does not stop at Haverhill     6:42 PM   Does not stop at Haverhill Does not stop at Haverhill     9:00 PM   Does not stop at Haverhill
Parking available accessible
    5:17 AM   Does not stop at Bradford Track Change   5:27 AM       6:02 AM   Track Change   6:12 AM       7:15 AM   Does not stop at Bradford Track Change   7:25 AM       8:17 AM   Does not stop at Bradford Track Change   8:27 AM       9:47 AM   Does not stop at Bradford Track Change   9:57 AM       11:17 AM   Does not stop at Bradford Track Change   11:27 AM       12:47 PM   Does not stop at Bradford Track Change   12:57 PM       2:17 PM   Does not stop at Bradford Track Change   2:27 PM       3:52 PM   Does not stop at Bradford Track Change   4:02 PM       5:25 PM       5:35 PM       6:47 PM   Does not stop at Bradford Track Change   6:57 PM       9:05 PM   Track Change   9:15 PM  
Parking available accessible
Does not stop at Lawrence     4:51 AM       5:36 AM   Does not stop at Lawrence     6:21 AM   Does not stop at Lawrence Does not stop at Lawrence     7:34 AM   Does not stop at Lawrence Does not stop at Lawrence     8:36 AM   Does not stop at Lawrence Does not stop at Lawrence     10:06 AM   Does not stop at Lawrence Does not stop at Lawrence     11:36 AM   Does not stop at Lawrence Does not stop at Lawrence     1:06 PM   Does not stop at Lawrence Does not stop at Lawrence     2:36 PM   Does not stop at Lawrence Does not stop at Lawrence     4:11 PM   Does not stop at Lawrence     5:42 PM   Does not stop at Lawrence Does not stop at Lawrence     7:06 PM   Does not stop at Lawrence     9:24 PM  
Parking available accessible
Does not stop at Andover     4:58 AM       5:43 AM   Does not stop at Andover     6:28 AM   Does not stop at Andover Does not stop at Andover     7:41 AM   Does not stop at Andover Does not stop at Andover     8:43 AM   Does not stop at Andover Does not stop at Andover   Flag Stop 10:13 AM   Does not stop at Andover Does not stop at Andover   Flag Stop 11:43 AM   Does not stop at Andover Does not stop at Andover   Flag Stop 1:13 PM   Does not stop at Andover Does not stop at Andover   Flag Stop 2:43 PM   Does not stop at Andover Does not stop at Andover   Flag Stop 4:18 PM   Does not stop at Andover   Flag Stop 5:49 PM   Does not stop at Andover Does not stop at Andover   Flag Stop 7:13 PM   Does not stop at Andover     9:31 PM  
Parking available accessible
Does not stop at Ballardvale     5:03 AM       5:48 AM   Does not stop at Ballardvale     6:33 AM   Does not stop at Ballardvale Does not stop at Ballardvale     7:46 AM   Does not stop at Ballardvale Does not stop at Ballardvale     8:48 AM   Does not stop at Ballardvale Does not stop at Ballardvale   Flag Stop 10:18 AM   Does not stop at Ballardvale Does not stop at Ballardvale   Flag Stop 11:48 AM   Does not stop at Ballardvale Does not stop at Ballardvale   Flag Stop 1:18 PM   Does not stop at Ballardvale Does not stop at Ballardvale   Flag Stop 2:48 PM   Does not stop at Ballardvale Does not stop at Ballardvale   Flag Stop 4:23 PM   Does not stop at Ballardvale   Flag Stop 5:54 PM   Does not stop at Ballardvale Does not stop at Ballardvale   Flag Stop 7:18 PM   Does not stop at Ballardvale     9:36 PM  
North Wilmington
Parking available Not accessible
Does not stop at North Wilmington     5:11 AM       5:56 AM   Does not stop at North Wilmington     6:41 AM   Does not stop at North Wilmington Does not stop at North Wilmington Does not stop at North Wilmington Does not stop at North Wilmington Does not stop at North Wilmington     8:56 AM   Does not stop at North Wilmington Does not stop at North Wilmington   Flag Stop 10:26 AM   Does not stop at North Wilmington Does not stop at North Wilmington   Flag Stop 11:56 AM   Does not stop at North Wilmington Does not stop at North Wilmington   Flag Stop 1:26 PM   Does not stop at North Wilmington Does not stop at North Wilmington   Flag Stop 2:56 PM   Does not stop at North Wilmington Does not stop at North Wilmington   Flag Stop 4:31 PM   Does not stop at North Wilmington   Flag Stop 6:01 PM   Does not stop at North Wilmington Does not stop at North Wilmington   Flag Stop 7:26 PM   Does not stop at North Wilmington     9:43 PM  
Parking available accessible
Does not stop at Reading     5:18 AM       6:03 AM   Does not stop at Reading     6:48 AM   Does not stop at Reading     7:33 AM   Does not stop at Reading Does not stop at Reading     8:18 AM       9:03 AM   Does not stop at Reading     9:48 AM       10:33 AM   Does not stop at Reading     11:18 AM       12:03 PM   Does not stop at Reading     12:48 PM       1:33 PM   Does not stop at Reading     2:18 PM       3:03 PM   Does not stop at Reading     3:48 PM       4:38 PM   Does not stop at Reading     6:08 PM   Does not stop at Reading     6:48 PM       7:33 PM   Does not stop at Reading     9:50 PM  
Parking available Not accessible
Does not stop at Wakefield     5:24 AM       6:09 AM   Does not stop at Wakefield     6:54 AM   Does not stop at Wakefield     7:39 AM   Does not stop at Wakefield Does not stop at Wakefield     8:24 AM       9:09 AM   Does not stop at Wakefield     9:54 AM       10:39 AM   Does not stop at Wakefield     11:24 AM       12:09 PM   Does not stop at Wakefield     12:54 PM       1:39 PM   Does not stop at Wakefield     2:24 PM       3:09 PM   Does not stop at Wakefield     3:54 PM       4:44 PM   Does not stop at Wakefield   Flag Stop 6:14 PM   Does not stop at Wakefield   Flag Stop 6:54 PM     Flag Stop 7:39 PM   Does not stop at Wakefield     9:56 PM  
Parking available Not accessible
Does not stop at Greenwood     5:27 AM       6:12 AM   Does not stop at Greenwood     6:57 AM   Does not stop at Greenwood     7:42 AM   Does not stop at Greenwood Does not stop at Greenwood     8:27 AM       9:12 AM   Does not stop at Greenwood   Flag Stop 9:57 AM     Flag Stop 10:42 AM   Does not stop at Greenwood   Flag Stop 11:27 AM     Flag Stop 12:12 PM   Does not stop at Greenwood   Flag Stop 12:57 PM     Flag Stop 1:42 PM   Does not stop at Greenwood   Flag Stop 2:27 PM     Flag Stop 3:12 PM   Does not stop at Greenwood   Flag Stop 3:57 PM     Flag Stop 4:47 PM   Does not stop at Greenwood   Flag Stop 6:17 PM   Does not stop at Greenwood   Flag Stop 6:57 PM     Flag Stop 7:42 PM   Does not stop at Greenwood     9:59 PM  
Melrose Highlands
Parking available accessible
Does not stop at Melrose Highlands     5:29 AM       6:14 AM   Does not stop at Melrose Highlands     6:59 AM   Does not stop at Melrose Highlands     7:44 AM   Does not stop at Melrose Highlands Does not stop at Melrose Highlands     8:29 AM       9:14 AM   Does not stop at Melrose Highlands     9:59 AM       10:44 AM   Does not stop at Melrose Highlands     11:29 AM       12:14 PM   Does not stop at Melrose Highlands     12:59 PM       1:44 PM   Does not stop at Melrose Highlands     2:29 PM       3:14 PM   Does not stop at Melrose Highlands     3:59 PM       4:50 PM   Does not stop at Melrose Highlands   Flag Stop 6:19 PM   Does not stop at Melrose Highlands   Flag Stop 6:59 PM     Flag Stop 7:44 PM   Does not stop at Melrose Highlands     10:01 PM  
Melrose/​Cedar Park
Parking available Not accessible
Does not stop at Melrose/Cedar Park     5:31 AM       6:16 AM   Does not stop at Melrose/Cedar Park     7:01 AM   Does not stop at Melrose/Cedar Park     7:46 AM   Does not stop at Melrose/Cedar Park Does not stop at Melrose/Cedar Park     8:31 AM       9:16 AM   Does not stop at Melrose/Cedar Park   Flag Stop 10:01 AM     Flag Stop 10:46 AM   Does not stop at Melrose/Cedar Park   Flag Stop 11:31 AM     Flag Stop 12:16 PM   Does not stop at Melrose/Cedar Park   Flag Stop 1:01 PM     Flag Stop 1:46 PM   Does not stop at Melrose/Cedar Park   Flag Stop 2:31 PM     Flag Stop 3:16 PM   Does not stop at Melrose/Cedar Park   Flag Stop 4:01 PM     Flag Stop 4:51 PM   Does not stop at Melrose/Cedar Park   Flag Stop 6:21 PM   Does not stop at Melrose/Cedar Park   Flag Stop 7:01 PM     Flag Stop 7:46 PM   Does not stop at Melrose/Cedar Park     10:03 PM  
Wyoming Hill
Parking available Not accessible
Does not stop at Wyoming Hill     5:33 AM       6:18 AM   Does not stop at Wyoming Hill     7:03 AM   Does not stop at Wyoming Hill     7:48 AM   Does not stop at Wyoming Hill Does not stop at Wyoming Hill     8:33 AM       9:18 AM   Does not stop at Wyoming Hill   Flag Stop 10:03 AM     Flag Stop 10:48 AM   Does not stop at Wyoming Hill   Flag Stop 11:33 AM     Flag Stop 12:18 PM   Does not stop at Wyoming Hill   Flag Stop 1:03 PM     Flag Stop 1:48 PM   Does not stop at Wyoming Hill   Flag Stop 2:33 PM     Flag Stop 3:18 PM   Does not stop at Wyoming Hill   Flag Stop 4:03 PM     Flag Stop 4:53 PM   Does not stop at Wyoming Hill   Flag Stop 6:23 PM   Does not stop at Wyoming Hill   Flag Stop 7:03 PM     Flag Stop 7:48 PM   Does not stop at Wyoming Hill     10:05 PM  
Oak Grove
Parking available accessible
Does not stop at Oak Grove     5:35 AM       6:20 AM   Does not stop at Oak Grove     7:05 AM   Does not stop at Oak Grove     7:50 AM   Does not stop at Oak Grove Does not stop at Oak Grove     8:35 AM       9:20 AM   Does not stop at Oak Grove   Flag Stop 10:05 AM     Flag Stop 10:50 AM   Does not stop at Oak Grove   Flag Stop 11:35 AM     Flag Stop 12:20 PM   Does not stop at Oak Grove   Flag Stop 1:05 PM     Flag Stop 1:50 PM   Does not stop at Oak Grove   Flag Stop 2:35 PM     Flag Stop 3:20 PM   Does not stop at Oak Grove   Flag Stop 4:05 PM     Flag Stop 4:55 PM   Does not stop at Oak Grove   Flag Stop 6:25 PM   Does not stop at Oak Grove   Flag Stop 7:05 PM     Flag Stop 7:50 PM   Does not stop at Oak Grove     10:07 PM  
Malden Center
Parking available accessible
Does not stop at Malden Center   Early Departure 5:38 AM     Early Departure 6:23 AM   Does not stop at Malden Center   Early Departure 7:08 AM   Does not stop at Malden Center   Early Departure 7:53 AM   Does not stop at Malden Center Does not stop at Malden Center   Early Departure 8:38 AM     Early Departure 9:23 AM   Does not stop at Malden Center   Early Departure 10:08 AM     Early Departure 10:53 AM   Does not stop at Malden Center   Early Departure 11:38 AM     Early Departure 12:23 PM   Does not stop at Malden Center   Early Departure 1:08 PM     Early Departure 1:53 PM   Does not stop at Malden Center   Early Departure 2:38 PM     Early Departure 3:23 PM   Does not stop at Malden Center   Early Departure 4:08 PM     Early Departure 4:58 PM   Does not stop at Malden Center   Early Departure 6:28 PM   Does not stop at Malden Center   Early Departure 7:08 PM     Early Departure 7:53 PM   Does not stop at Malden Center   Early Departure 10:10 PM  
North Station
Parking available accessible
Does not stop at North Station     5:54 AM       6:41 AM   Does not stop at North Station     7:26 AM   Does not stop at North Station     8:10 AM       8:25 AM   Does not stop at North Station     8:55 AM       9:40 AM   Does not stop at North Station     10:24 AM       11:09 AM   Does not stop at North Station     11:54 AM       12:39 PM   Does not stop at North Station     1:24 PM       2:09 PM   Does not stop at North Station     2:54 PM       3:39 PM   Does not stop at North Station     4:24 PM       5:14 PM   Does not stop at North Station     6:44 PM   Does not stop at North Station     7:24 PM       8:09 PM   Does not stop at North Station     10:26 PM  

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