Upgrades to Fare Vending Machines

As part of Fare Transformation, we are upgrading fare vending machines across the system. These upgrades make paying for transit easier and more convenient, allowing riders to tap and go quickly through our fare gates and fare boxes.
Using the upgraded machines, riders can:
- Purchase a CharlieCard or reload an existing one
- Purchase the new tappable CharlieTickets
- Pay with contactless payment methods using the tap target
Note: Some of the transaction steps for paying with a credit/debit card have changed. Please follow our tips below to ensure a successful transaction.
This work is being done alongside upgrades to our fare gates. We are also phasing out the use insertable CharlieTickets.
As of July 2022, we have completed upgrading fare vending machines on all subway lines and the Silver Line.
How to Use the Upgraded Fare Vending Machines
Updated on-screen prompts at fare vending machines will help you purchase a tappable CharlieTicket or purchase/reload a CharlieCard.
You can now pay using Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay or contactless credit/debit cards. You can also use your credit/debit card, EBT card, or cash.
How to Buy Tickets and Passes with a Credit/Debit Card
Upgraded fare vending machines have different transaction steps compared to old machines. If you're paying with a debit/credit card, please note:
- On-screen instructions are provided on both the fare vending machine and the card reader during your transaction. Follow these prompts carefully and in order.
- When selecting your payment method, make sure you choose the method that corresponds with your card type (i.e., debit versus credit)
- If using a chip card, be sure to leave your card in the reader until you are prompted to remove it. If you remove it too soon, the transaction will be voided.
For further assistance, please see a Transit Ambassador. They wear bright red shirts and can be found throughout the station.
Fare Transformation

Fare Transformation will make it easy for you to tap and board at any door with a fare card, smartphone, or contactless credit card.
Paying Your Fare at GLX Stations
At the new GLX stations, the fare validation process is different than what riders may be used to. CharlieCards or new CharlieTickets should be tapped at the fare vending machines located at the stations, instead of the fareboxes.
Old CharlieTickets vs. New CharlieTickets
Upgraded fare machines dispense new CharlieTickets that you can tap at upgraded fare gates. They do not dispense the old, insertable CharlieTickets.
You can tell the difference between the old and new tickets by looking at the front of the card—old CharlieTickets have a black magnetic stripe along the bottom, while the new CharlieTickets do not.
Fare Transformation

Fare Transformation will make it easy for you to tap and board at any door with a fare card, smartphone, or contactless credit card.